Monday, January 4, 2010

FPWD (Fist Pumping While Driving)

On Sunday (01/02/10) I was driving to make a delivery. As I approached an intersection a totally kick ass song came on the radio and I couldn't help but fist pump along to it for a little while. After I pass through the intersection I notice a cop in my rear-view mirror. Suddenly his lights flash and he's pulling me over.

After running my plates the officer ambles to my window and tells me that he pulled me over because my truck didn't have its registration sticker- although my registration was paid for. He told me that he only noticed me as I passed through the intersection because he saw me "flailing about." I explained I was fist pumping to a song and during this explanation I mentioned Jersey Shore. The officer then laughed and told me how much his kids love the show and have taken to fist pumping at random times themselves.

A brief conversation about Jersey Shore and fist pumping led to us sharing that we were both Italian on our mother's side and an amusing bit of guido bonding ensued which resulted in me receiving a friendly verbal warning to hurry up and get my truck smogged, so the DMV could mail me my tags, and only fist pump while driving if it's safe.

As I drove away I fist pumped at the awesomeness of what had just happened.

-Frank in Sacramento, CA

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